
Medicare Part B Start Date Saved Hundreds Of Dollars


About - Medicare Recipient

Charlotte was a 69-year-old recently retired person. She was already enrolled in Medicare Part A plan when she was 65.

The Problem

The Medicare process can be very confusing for people, especially for folks who are retiring. Such was the case for Charlotte. She wanted Medicare Part B, but did not know which forms she needed to complete or when to start her Medicare Plan B plan.

What CAP Did

We talked with Charlotte and asked about her situation. She explained she just retired a few days earlier and wanted to get the Medicare Plan B process started.

Since Charlotte had just left her employment, we explored the options under COBRA.

By examining her details, we determined if we postponed her Medicare Part B from starting on the 1st of the month, she could save hundreds of dollars.


It's About Relationships

“It was nice to work with a broker that wasn't trying to push a product on me. They held my hand through the whole process and got my Medicare Plan B in place.”
Medicare Recipient

The Outcome

Relieved Customer!

The money Charlotte saved was a bonus for her. However, the sense of relief that she felt, knowing she was protected going into retirement, was of far more value to her.


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